Yubico Yubikey 2FA Security Key NFC USB-C
Web ID: 37233
A pioneer in modern, hardware-based authentication and Yubicos flagship product, the USB-C YubiKey is designed to meet you where you are on your authentication journey by supporting a broad range of authentication protocols, including FIDO U2F, WebAuthn/FIDO2 (passkeys), OTP/TOTP, OpenPGP and Smart Card/PIV. (Firmware V5.4) ONLY WHILE STOCKS LAST!
Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Year
Manufacturer PN: 5060408465301
GTIN: 5060408465301
Manufacturer Website
Compatibility - Works with Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, Linux, leading web browsers, and hundreds of services. Compatible with select password managers. Supported by Microsoft accounts and Google Accounts. Works with YubiKey
High quality - Built to last with glass-fiber reinforced plastic. IP68 rated (water and dust resistant), crush resistant, no batteries required, no moving parts.
Strong authentication - Passwordless, Strong Two Factor, Strong Multi-Factor.
FIDO only - Security Key Series supports FIDO2/WebAuthn and FIDO U2F.
Form-factor - “Keychain” for wearing on a standard keyring. USB-C connector for standard 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 ports. Near Field Communication (NFC) for mobile communication - Compatible on modern Android and iOS devices.
Securely manufactured - From component sourcing through manufacturing, Yubico ensures the highest levels of security. Made in the USA & Sweden.